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* denotes graduate student, ** denotes postdoc, *** denotes undergraduate student

Peer-Reviewed Books

  1. Smith, Jessica M. 2021. Extracting Accountability: Engineering and Corporate Social Responsibility. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

  2. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2014. Mining Coal and Undermining Gender: Rhythms of Work and Family in the American West. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

    • ​Winner of the 2018 Western Social Science Association book award Finalist for the Society for Economic Anthropology book prize and the Society for the Anthropology of Work’s book prize

Edited, peer-reviewed journal special issues

  1. High, Mette M. and Jessica M. Smith, eds. 2019. Energy and Ethics? Special issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25 (S1): 1-194.

    • Published as a standalone book of the same name by Wiley-Blackwell

  2. Kinchy, Abby, Roopali Phadke and Jessica M. Smith. 2018. Engaging the Underground: An STS Field in Formation. Engaging Science, Technology & Society 4: 22-164.

  3. Smith, Jessica M. and Mette M. High, eds. 2017. Exploring the Anthropology of Energy: Ethnography, Energy and Ethics. Special issue of Energy Research and Social Science 30: 1-116.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

  1. Smith, Jessica M. 2024. The politics of percentage: Informating justice in the US clean energy rush. Critique of Anthropology, 44(3), 341–361.

  2. Smith, Jessica M. 2024. Racializing rural places through USDA home economics agricultural extension, 1965-1982. Journal of Rural Studies, 106, 103240.

  3. Verdín, Dina, Jessica M. Smith and Juan Lucena. 2024. First-generation college students’ funds of knowledge support the development of an engineering role identity. Journal of Engineering Education, 113(2), 383–406.

  4. Smith, Jessica M., Cecilia Schroeder*, Kathleen Smits, Juan Lucena, and Oscar Restrepo Baena. 2023. Smith, J., Schroeder, C., Smits, K., Lucena, J., & Baena, O. R. (2023). Pollution, obligation, and care: Perspectives from artisanal and small-scale gold mining and farming in rural Colombia. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 2243762.

  5. Aziz, M. J., Gayme, D. F., Johnson, K., Knox-Hayes, J., Li, P., Loth, E., Pao, L. Y., Sadoway, D. R., Smith, J., & Smith, S. (2022). A co-design framework for wind energy integrated with storage. Joule, 6(9), 1995–2015.

  6. Smith, Jessica M., Juan Lucena, Angelina Rivera***, Thomas Phelan, Kathleen Smits and Robin Bullock. 2021. Developing Global Sociotechnical Competency Through Humanitarian Engineering: A Comparison of In-Person and Virtual International Project Experiences. Journal of International Engineering Education 3(1) Article 5: 1-29.

  7. Smith, Nicole M., Qin Zhu, Jessica Smith, and Carl Mitcham. 2021. Enhancing Engineering Ethics: Role Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. (27).

  8. Verdín, Dina, Jessica M. Smith, and Juan Lucena. 2021. Recognizing the Funds of Knowledge of First-Generation College Students in Engineering: An Instrument Development. Journal of Engineering Education 110 (3): 671-699.

  9. Verdín, Dina, Jessica Smith, and Juan Lucena. 2021. Funds of Knowledge as Pre-College Experiences that Promote Minoritized Students’ Interest, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Choice of Majoring in Engineering. 11(1): 192-213.

  10. Spahr, Katie*, Jessica Smith, Terri Hogue, and John McCray. 2021. Reading the Green Landscape: Public Attitudes toward Green Stormwater Infrastructure and the Perceived Nonmonetary Value of Its Co-Benefits in Three US Cities. 7(4): 04021017.

  11. Mealing, VeeAnder*, Jane Turek, Jessica M. Smith, and Amy E. Landis. 2021. Social Sustainability of New Bio-based Feedstocks in the Southwest. The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context.

  12. Schwartz, Michelle*, Kathleen Smits, Jessica Smith, Thomas Phelan, and Oscar Jaime Restrepo. 2021. Incorporating “Positive Deviance” into Comprehensive Remediation Projects: A Case Study from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Municipality of Andes, Colombia. 123 (142-150).

  13. Marlin-Tackie, Frances* and Jessica Smith. 2020. Key Characteristics Influencing Public Risk and Trust Perceptions of Unconventional Energy Development..

  14. Marlin-Tackie, Frances*, Shurraya Denning***, and Jessica Smith. 2020. Fracking Controversies: Enhancing public trust in local government through energy justice. ttps://

  15. Smith, Jessica M. 2019. The Ethics of Material Provisioning: Insiders’ Views of Work in the Extractive Industries. The Extractive Industries & Society 6: 807-814.

  16. Smith, Jessica M. 2019. Boom to Bust, Ashes to (Coal) Dust: The Contested Ethics of Energetic Exchanges in the US Coal Market Collapse. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25 (S1): 91-107.

  17. High, Mette M. and Jessica Smith. 2019. Introduction: The Ethical Constitution of Energy Dilemmas. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25 (S1): 9-28.

  18. Denning, Shurraya***, Frances Marlin* and Jessica Smith. 2019. Improving Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) for Oil and Gas Development: Community Perception of Unconventional Energy in Colorado’s Front Range. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 37(3): 305-325.

  19. Smith, Jessica M. and Nicole M. Smith. 2018. Engineering and the Politics of Commensuration in the Extractive Industries. Engaging Science and Technology Studies 4: 67-84.

  20. Kinchy, Abby, Roopali Phadke and Jessica Smith. 2018. Engaging the Underground: An STS Field in Formation. Introduction to the special issue of Engaging Science, Technology & Society 4: 22-42.

  21. Smith, Jessica and Johan Thomas van Ierland***. 2018. Framing Controversy on Social Media: #NoDAPL and the Debate about the Dakota Access Pipeline on Twitter. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 61 (3): 226 - 241. (Winner of the 2018 Rudolph Joenk Award for Best Paper in the journal)

  22. Zilliox, Skylar* and Jessica Smith. 2018. Colorado’s Fracking Debates: Citizen Science, Conflict and Collaboration. Science as Culture 27 (2): 221-241.

  23. Smith, Nicole, Juan Lucena, Jessica Smith, Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena, Gustavo Aristizabal, and Alejandro Delgado. 2018. A Framework for Research and Education on Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Latin America. International Journal of Georesources and Environment 4(3): 99-104.

  24. Smith, Nicole M.**, Jessica Smith, Linda Battalora, and Benjamin Teschner.* 2018. Industry-University Partnerships: Engineering Education and Corporate Social Responsibility. 144 (3): Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 144 (3).

  25. LaPorte, David*, Erin Kim*** and Jessica Smith. 2017. Engineering to Help Communities or Students’ Development? An ethnographic case study of an engineering-to-help student organization. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering 12(2): 103-117.

  26. Smith, Jessica M. and Mette High. 2017. Exploring the Anthropology of Energy: Ethnography, Energy and Ethics. Introduction to the special issue of Energy Research and Social Science 30: 1-6.

  27. Zilliox, Skylar* and Jessica Smith. 2017. Memorandums of Understanding and Public Trust in Local Government for Colorado’s Unconventional Energy Industry. Energy Policy 107: 72-81.

  28. Smith, Jessica M., Carrie McClelland and Nicole Smith. 2017. Engineering Students’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study from Petroleum Engineering. Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6): 1775-1790.

  29. Smith, Nicole M.**, Jessica Smith , Zira Q. John, Benjamin Teschner. 2017. Promises and Perceptions in the Guianas: The Making of an Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Reserve. Resources Policy 51: 49-56.

  30. Zilliox, Skylar* and Jessica Smith. 2017. Supraregulatory Agreements and Unconventional Energy Development: Learning from Citizen Concerns, Enforceability and Participation in Colorado. Extractive Industries & Society 4(1): 69–77.

  31. Shaffer, Austin***, Skylar Zilliox* and Jessica Smith. 2017. Memorandums of Understanding and the Social License to Operate in Colorado’s Unconventional Energy Industry. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 35 (1): 69-85.

  32. Smith, Jessica M. and Abraham Tidwell.* 2016. Everyday Lives of Energy Transitions: Contested Sociotechnical Imaginaries in the American West. Social Studies of Science 46(3): 327-350.

  33. Smith, Jessica M. and Juan Lucena. 2016. Invisible Innovators: How Low Income, First Generation (LIFG) Students Use Their Funds of Knowledge to Belong in Engineering. Engineering Studies 8 (1): 1-26.

  34. Smith, Jessica M. and Juan Lucena. 2016. “How do I show them I’m more than a person who can lift heavy things?” The Funds of Knowledge of Low Income, First Generation Engineering Students. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 22(3): 199–221.

  35. Zilliox, Skylar*, Jessica Smith, Corinne Packard, and Carl Mitcham. 2016. Teaching the ethics of science and engineering through humanities and social science: A case study of evolving student perceptions of nanotechnology. Teaching Ethics 16 (2): 161-183.

  36. Tidwell, Abraham* and Jessica Smith. 2015. Morals, Materials, and Technoscience: Reimagining Energy Security as a Sociotechnical Imaginary in the United States. Science, Technology & Human Values 40(5): 687-711.

  37. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2015. Turning Mine Protesters into Collaborators: The Opportunities and Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Industry. Society and Natural Resources 28(2): 165-179.

  38. Rolston, Jessica Smith, Skylar Zilliox*, Corinne Packard, Carl Mitcham and Brian Zaharatos. 2014. Nanoethics and Policy Education: A Case Study of Social Science Coursework and Student Engagement with Emerging Technologies. NanoEthics 8:217–225.

  39. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2013. The Politics of Pits and the Materiality of Mine Labor: Making Natural Resources in the American West. American Anthropologist 115 (4): 582-594.

  40. Mitcham, Carl, Laura Heller, Wang Nan, Corinne Packard, Cortney Holles, Derrick Hudson and Jessica Smith. 2013. Nanotechnology, Ethics and Policy Education: Learning and Sharing Across Boundaries. Journal of Nano Education 5(2): 180-187.

  41. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2010. Risky Business: Neoliberalism and Workplace Safety in Wyoming Coal Mines. Human Organization 69 (4): 331-342.

  42. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2010. Talk about Technology: Negotiating Gender Difference in Wyoming Coal Mines. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35 (4): 893-918.

  43. Smith, Jessica M. and Federico Helfgott. 2010. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Perils of Universalization. Anthropology Today 26(3): 20-23.

  44. Smith, Jessica M. 2008. Crafting Kinship at Home and Work: Women Miners in Wyoming. Women and Work issue, edited by Kathlene McDonald, WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society 11(4): 439-458.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

  1. Smith, Jessica M. and Juan Lucena. 2022. Literary Contortionists: How Low-Income, First Gen Engineering Students Adapt & Resist to Achieve Literacy. Forthcoming in The Literacies of Design: Studies of Equity and Imagination in Engineering and Making, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Eli Tucker-Raymond, Alberto Esquinca and Joel Alejandro Mejia, eds. Purdue University Press.

  2. Smith, Jessica M. 2022. Mining. Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics. New York: Routledge.

  3. Smith, Jessica M. and Juan Lucena. 2021. Socially Responsible Engineering. In Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Engineering, Diane Michelfelder and Neelke Doorn, eds. Pp. 661-673. New York: Routledge.

  4. Smith, Jessica M. 2021. Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility. Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics. New York: Routledge.

  5. Smith, Jessica and Stuart Kirsch. 2018. Mining. International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Hilary Callan, ed. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

  6. Smith, Jessica M. 2017. From Corporate Social Responsibility to Creating Shared Value: Contesting Responsibilization and the Mining Industry. In Competing Responsibilities: The Ethics and Politics of Contemporary Life, Susanna Trnka and Catherine Trundle, eds. Pp 118-132. Durham: Duke University Press.

  7. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2015. Women in the Mine. Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology. David McCurdy and Dianna Shandy, eds. 15th ed. New York: Pearson.

  8. Rolston, Jessica Smith and Elizabeth Cox. 2015. Engineering by Doing: Diversity, Innovation and Hands-On Learning. In International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Volume 1, S.H. Christensen et al. Pp. 261-278. New York: Springer.

  9. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2013. Specters of Syndromes and Everyday Lives of Energy Workers in Wyoming. In Cultures of Energy: Anthropological Perspectives on Power. Sarah Strauss, Stephanie Rupp, and Thomas Love, eds. Pp. 584-592. San Francisco: Left Coast Press.

  10. Smith, Jessica M. 2010. Workplace Egalitarianism in Nonunion Mines: Lessons from Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. In Anthropology of Labor Unions. Paul Durrenberger and Karaleah Reichart, eds. Pp. 103-130. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

  1. Smith, Jessica, Juan Lucena, Jeff Shragge, Junko Munakata Marr, Megan Sanders, and Kevin Moore. 2023. Funds of Knowledge and Intersectional Experiences of Identity: Graduate Students’ Views of Their Undergraduate Experiences. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (Baltimore).

  2. Schwartz, Michelle*, Kathleen Smits, Jessica Smith, and Tom Phelan. 2022. Teaching Students to Incorporate Community Perspective into Environmental Engineering Problem Definition through Iterative Conceptual Site Models. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (Minneapolis).

  3. Rivera, Angelina***, Jessica Smith, and Juan Lucena. 2022. Humanitarian Engineering, Global Sociotechnical Competency, and Student Confidence: A Comparison of In-person, Virtual, and Hybrid Learning Environments. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (Minneapolis).

  4. Kleine, Marie Stettler, Elizabeth Reddy, and Jessica Smith. 2022. The Multiplicity of Care in Engineering Education and Program Building. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (Minneapolis).

  5. Smith, Jessica and Greg Rulifson. 2021. Beyond the Social License to Operate: Training Socially Responsible Engineers to Contend with Corporate Frameworks for Community Engagement. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (virtual).

  6. Rainey, Arielle*, Dina Verdín and Jessica M. Smith. 2021. Classroom Practices that Support Minoritized Engineering Students’ Sense of Belonging. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (virtual).

  7. Rivera, Angelina***, Jessica M. Smith, Juan Lucena, Robin Bullock, Tom Phelan, and Kate Smits. 2021. Making the most of virtual community engagement for international projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (virtual).

    • Best paper award, Community Engagement Division

  8. Smith, Jessica, Greg Rulifson, Courtney Stanton***, Carrie McClelland, Emily Sarver, Linda Battalora, Stephanie Claussen, Susan Peterson, Rennie Kaunda, and Elizabeth Holley. 2020. Counteracting the social responsibility slump? Assessing changes in student knowledge and attitudes in mining, petroleum, and electrical engineering. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (virtual).

  9. Verdín, Dina*, Jessica Smith, and Juan Lucena. 2020. The Influence of Connecting Funds of Knowledge to Beliefs about Performance, Classroom Belonging, and Graduation Certainty for First-generation College Students. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference (virtual).

    • Finalist for the best paper award in the Educational Research Methods Division

  10. Smith, Jessica, Greg Rulifson, Cassidy Grady***, Nicole Smith, Linda Battalora, Emily Sarver, Carrie McClelland, Rennie Kaunda, and Elizabeth Holley. 2019. Critical Approaches to CSR as a Strategy to Broaden Engineering Students’ Views of Stakeholders. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Tampa.

    • Finalist for the best paper award in the Engineering Ethics Division

  11. Verdín, Dina*, Jessica Smith, and Juan Lucena. Recognizing engineering students’ funds of knowledge: Creating and validating survey measures. 2019. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Tampa.

  12. Claussen, Stephanie and Jessica Smith. Incorporation of corporate social responsibility into problem-based learning in a semiconductor device course. 2o19. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Tampa.

  13. Smith, Jessica, Juan Lucena, and Dina Verdin*. Broadening Participation of First-Generation College Students in Engineering: Backgrounds, Experiences and Strategies for Success. 2019. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Tampa.

  14. Smith, Jessica, Nicole Smith, Greg Rulifson, Carrie McClelland, Linda Battalora, Emily Sarver and Rennie Kaunda. 2018. Student Learning about Engineering and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparison across Engineering, Design and Liberal Arts Courses. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Salt Lake City.

  15. Smith, Jessica and Juan Lucena. 2018. Social Responsibility in Engineering Education and Practice: Alignments, Mismatches and Future Directions. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, Salt Lake City.

  16. Smith, Jessica, Carrie McClelland and Nicole Smith**. 2016. Petroleum Engineering Students’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education conference, New Orleans LA.

  17. McClelland, CJ, Jessica M. Smith, Nicole M. Smith**. 2016. Bringing Corporate Social Responsibility into the Petroleum Engineering Classroom. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education conference, Erie PA. 10.1109/FIE.2016.7757393

  18. Smith, Jessica and Juan Lucena. 2015. Making the Funds of Knowledge of Low Income, First Generation (LIFG) Students Visible and Relevant to Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education conference, Seattle.

Book reviews, essays, and other

  1. Hirsch, Jennifer, Kirk Jalbert, Lauren Keeler, Katie O’Connell, Daryl-Lynn Roberts and Jessica M. Smith. 2024. The crucial role of just process for equitable industrial decarbonization: An Action Research agenda for carbon management and other emerging technologies. Commissioned paper for National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine workshop, Developing and Assessing Ideas for Social and Behavioral Research to Speed Efficient and Equitable Industrial Decarbonization.

  2. Smith, Jessica M. 2022. Review of Daggett, Cara New. The Birth of Energy: Fossil Fuels, Thermodynamics, and the Politics of Work. (Duke University Press, 2019.) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(1): 376-377.

  3. Smith, Jessica M., Qin Zhu, Nicole Smith, and Carl Mitcham. 2023. Corporate Social Responsibility and Engineering Ethics. In Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, eds. D. C. Poff and A. C. Michalos. Springer.

  4. Smith, Jessica. 2021. How will we remember coal? SAPIENS Anthropology Magazine.

  5. Smits, Kathleen and Jessica Smith. 2021. Review of Lyons, Kristina. Vital Decomposition: Soil Practitioners and Life Politics (Duke University Press, 2020). Vadose Zone Journal.

  6. Smith, Jessica. 2017. Blind Spots of Liberal Righteousness. Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots series on “The Rise of Trumpism.” January 18, 2017.

  7. Smith, Jessica. 2016. Review of Jacka, Jerry. Alchemy in the Rain Forest: Politics, Ecology, and Resilience in a New Guinea Mining Area. (Duke University Press, 2015). Journal of Anthropological Research 72(4): 581-583.

  8. Smith, Jessica. 2016. Climate Change Justice and Corporate Responsibility. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 34(1): 70-74.

  9. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2014. In the “War on Coal,” the industry can be its own worst enemy. LSE (London School of Economics) American Politics and Policy Blog Entry (25 Mar 2014).

  10. Rolston, Jessica Smith and Colleen Kavanaugh***. 2014. Public Perceptions of Unconventional Gas Development in Colorado. Geological Society of America, Vancouver.

  11. Mitcham, Carl and Jessica Smith Rolston. 2013. Energy Constraints. Science and Engineering Ethics 19(2): 313-319.

  12. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2012. Review of Rajak, Dinah. In Good Company: An Anatomy of Corporate Social Responsibility (Stanford University Press, 2011). American Ethnologist 39 (4): 855-856.

  13. Rolston, Jessica Smith. 2011. Review of Moreton, Bethany. To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise (Harvard University Press, 2009). Contemporary Studies in Society and History 53 (1): 225-226.

  14. Smith, Jessica M. 2008. Review of Ferry, Elizabeth Emma. Not Ours Alone: Patrimony, Value and Collectivity in Contemporary Mexico (Columbia University Press, 2005). Anthropology of Work Review 29 (2): 43-44.

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